Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Back in the Saddle Again

What a difference 28 years make in teaching.  I remember fondly my first year of teaching in California, positive that I learned so much more than my 150 8th graders did.  I lived behind my desk for some time, scared to venture out in the jungle of 13 year olds!  I stuttered over names, especially Than-a-thon Lor-fan-pi-bull.  Graciously he let me call him Tom.  Today all I do is venture out, a constant mingle.  I try new things daily and am not afraid to take on those who take me on.  If my dad taught me one thing, it was not to let others walk all over you.  A great lessons, especially for a teacher.  I am glad I have this job.  I am thankful for the people I work with on a daily basis.  I enjoy most of the 140 kids that go in and out of my room.  I am thankful for the established relationships that I already have and look forward to making new ones.  Even though I am tired, I am happy to be back in the saddle.  I am blessed.


  1. I hear you are a fabulous teacher. Congrats on your 28th year and I know your students will leave your class feeling blessed as well.

  2. Where we learn to teach...your comment about your dad made me think of mine...the best catechism teacher I ever had. He knew the answers to the "why not???" questions I so often posed, and could discipline in catechism and at home with just a look and a little shake of the head that said, "Don't be doin' that here."
